Monday, April 7, 2008


There was terrible jam this morning..ya...I've forgotten that Mondays should be that way... As I reached the office, I quickly took out all my things and started working on the statistics and analysis for TVIQ. I am happy because today the printer is okay so...I'm sure by the end of the day I would be able to finish the task.

Unfortunately I'm still unable to finish everything and decided to take the works home and see if my husband can help me with the analysis. I need to get everything finished by Wednesday because, I want to submit them to Aida before presenting them to Richard... Moreover, there is still one more analysis to be done...and this one is about coming up with a new channel for ASTRO...

Last week Aida explained about how to analyze data regarding the matter and they were basically :
a. Identify the core audience by looking at the size of viewers as well as age group
b. Identify the top channel watched by core audience
c. Work on what are the top programmes
d. Look at the watching time by referring to the schedule
e. Finally work out the schedule

Tomorrow ( 08.04.2008 ) I have plan what I am going to do :

- I will spend the morning viewing the CDs that Aida gave me just now and hopefully everything will be done by lunch
- After lunch I will work on the powerpoint of the presentation

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