Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We had a long weekend recently... On Friday night we had a bowling tournament...actually it was SK Taman Bunga Raya punya function. I joined the teachers' group. I was in Team 8 and Abang Khaizu team 1. I was so embarrased because it took me one whole game to warm - up. The first game I did badly, then only things got better on the second game. Syamil was a strong supporter, kelakar tengok how he encouraged and gave kata - kata semangat to me...

Saturday nite, we had to go down to AESB to hand over a report to RL. We reached the office at 20.15pm and due to the size of the file, I couldn't send them via email. Fortunately RL came over so I handed over the pendrive to him.

On Sunday we just stayed at home..lepakking and watched TV. Planned to bake some cupcakes but as usualla kan, kalau dah namanya jadi potato couch tu, of course tak banyak yang boleh dikerjakan.

Yesterday was Wesak Day, so another day of holiday...At first, we were thinking of going to Kak Erie's house but in the end, we stayed at home. I was not well actually, kena gatal - gatal satu badan dah dekat one week. It was basically disturbing me so bad sebab bila malam aje badan rasa gatal sangat and bengkak macam digigit nyamuk.

I called kampung to get some opinion. Ngah said aku kena rengas a.k.a ludah langsuir, so I need to go and see any ustaz to be cured. The night before a. Khaizu tried reciting some qur' an verses ( al - Fatihah & Ayat Kursi ) to a bowl of water and later on he rubbed everything to my body as well as asking me to drink the water and alhamdulillah it worked so fine. Abang Khaizu suggested that I called abang Sahak to get some help...

Late in the evening, I took Kak Ya to the pasar malam nearby. We bought some kuih and a few sticks of ayam panggang ( actually cenonggeng ayam... he he ). Then we made our move. As we were walking towards the block, suddenly I heard Kak Ya shouted, Hai Kimi !!! and in front of us I saw a boy, about her age, smiling and waving and also shouting Hai Ya !!! I quickly looked at the boy's mother and we smiled to each other.

It triggered me, how different are kids nowadays and I was actually quite surprised with what happened... Bukan marah but... how remarkable has our kids way of socialising changed as time moves on. Rasanya, kita dulu takla seramah depa masa seumur mereka but I guess sebab they were send very early to nursery and playschool, so their ability to mix around has been developed quite fast kan...

Kadang - kadang looking at how my kids behave and reacts to certain things boleh buat aku jadi melodrama sikit but it's true kan, anak - anak ni memang macam kain putih... they'll absorb whatever came to them so kita punya tanggungjawab yang sangat besar untuk pastikan depa filter and pick up what's good and best for them...


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