Thursday, February 5, 2009


Some people like me a lot...some may be not...some may pretend to like... Urgh...I don't know. I am a kind of person who most of the time believe in my intuitions and first impression. Those principles have sometimes affected me in my choice of friends i.e close friends.

But sometimes what we see can be very deceiving...I believe that what's more important is to closely observed and understand the person or group of people before we start to jump into any conclusion.

Recently, I read a book by Michael J. Losier, The Law Of Attraction... rather refreshing... I got the same feeling when I read La Tahzan... Both books have moved me and changed my perceptions towards several things and situations.

I am going to try and apply the things that I learnt from the book in my daily activities. Though i may looked like I don't care... I am actually a kind of person who is pretty much keen to self motivation, self help kinda things...

To all my students, thanks for spending your time reading the blog but explore more. You can read more about me and my experiences in the earlier posts...